Vacuum coatings 0208 520 5353

0208 520 5353


Although this price list is specifically for astronomical mirrors we are happy to undertake the re-coating of any optical component as may be used in:

We are willing to undertake the re-coating of any optical component!

We also provide a re-coating service for sextant mirrors, camera mirrors and prisms. For prices please go to our Sextant and Camera Mirrors page or click HERE

CAS Mirror
Mirrors for recoating can often look as bad as this before re-aluminising!

Aluminising Information

Prices quoted for mirrors up to 16 inches (400 mm) in diameter are for double aluminising and silicon over-coating. Please state clearly with your order if you do not require your mirror to be over-coated (there is no price difference). If your mirror is being sent for re-coating, there is no charge for the removal of the old aluminium coat. Only in very rare circumstances would a telescope user choose an unprotected aluminium coating. There would be a three to four percent gain in light reflection, peaking towards the blue end of the spectrum. However, unless stored for many months to develop a natural surface hardness (oxidisation) the coating would probably degrade very quickly in present day atmospheric conditions.

What does double aluminising entail as mirrors are usually only given one coating?

Once the mirror is clean and ready to coat it is given a semi (not totally opaque) aluminium coating and overcoating. It is then taken out of the chamber and cleaned with a pure cotton cloth and isopropyl alcohol. This ensures the removal of any poorly adhering particles in the aluminium coating and toughens the surface. It is then returned to the chamber and given a second aluminium coating and overcoating. This double coating is therefore aimed at giving the mirror as long an observing life as possible with maximum immediate protection from atmospheric pollution.
Mirrors larger than 16 inches (400 mm) diameter are given a single coating and overcoating in our larger chamber(s) with evaporation from multiple evaporation points. This partly mimics the double coating of the smaller mirrors. A complete double coating process can be carried out for these larger mirrors, but with a sixty percent increase in cost. If you are working within a budget and do not require maximum double coating protection as offered for the smaller mirrors, a standard single coating run is available at a 25 percent reduction.

How long will a protected aluminium coating last?

If subjected to sea water, or sulpherous fumes, perhaps only a few days. If used close to the sea or in an industrial area and stored uncovered, perhaps only a year. With a close fitting, acid free cover over the mirror, in the same circumstances perhaps two or three years. Used in averagely polluted air (everywhere?) with a close fitting cover, perhaps four to eight years. One way, however, to make sure you ruin the coating is to wrap it tightly in polothene or plastic to trap in all the pollution and condensation when not in use!

Can the coating be cleaned?

Yes. We supply basic cleaning advice with mirrors. Six months or longer after coating, correct cleaning should toughen and harden the coating for a longer life. Please go to one of our customers websites, to see their 30 inch mirror being coated. They also have pictures of the mirror being cleaned and even how they removed the old coating ready for re-aluminising. You can visit their page HERE

Gold coating
An example of our gold coatings

Gold coating
An Audi heads-up display before and after re-mirroring

Aluminising Prices

Newtonian Flats (listed by Minor Axis)
Minor Axis Price (£)
1" - 1.5" 16.00
1.6" - 2" 18.00
2.1" - 2.25" 20.00
2.3"- 2.5" 22.00
2.6"- 2.9" 26.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Newtonian Flats (listed by Minor Axis)
Minor Axis Price (£)
3" 34.00
3.5" 36.00
4" 38.00
4.5" 40.00
5" 50.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Circular Mirrors (Primary and Cassegrain/Gregorian Secondaries)
Size Price (£)
3" (70-80mm) 28.00
4" (95-100mm) 34.00
4.5" (110-120mm) 36.00
5" (125-130mm) 40.00
6-6.25" (150-160mm) 50.00
8" (190-210mm) 60.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Circular Mirrors (Primary and Cassegrain/Gregorian Secondaries)
Size Price (£)
8.5-9" (220-230mm) 70.00
10" (245-255mm) 80.00
11" (270-280mm) 85.00
12" (295-310mm) 90.00
14" (350-360mm) 120.00
16" (400-410mm) 150.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Heavier mirrors with edge thickness over 1 1/2" up to 1 3/4" (40-45mm) - Large Chamber Coating
Size Price (£)
16" (400-410mm) 160.00
18" (450-460mm) 180.00
20" (500-510mm) 190.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Heavier mirrors with edge thickness over 1 1/2" up to 1 3/4" (40-45mm) - Large Chamber Coating
Size Price (£)
22" (555-565mm) 200.00
24" (605-615mm) 240.00
30" (755-765mm) 340.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Larger circular mirrors with greater than 2" (55mm plus) edge thickness - Large Chamber Coating
Size Price (£)
16" (400-410mm) 180.00
18" (450-460mm) 200.00
20" (500-510mm) 210.00
Prices listed do not include return postage

Larger circular mirrors with greater than 2" (55mm plus) edge thickness - Large Chamber Coating
Size Price (£)
22" (555-565mm) 220.00
24" (605-615mm) 260.00
30" (755-765mm) POA
Prices listed do not include return postage

The prices above do not include return postage

Post and packing charges are below. For astronomical main mirrors, this is with or without optical flats. Small items would be sextant mirrors, camera prisms and optical flats and secondary mirrors.

Optical Testing Service

VCSM offers an economical service for amateur astronomers, wishing to ascertain the working quality of an optical system or component. This will be specified as a suitability guide for the intended purpose of use and a statement of actual optical quality in comparison to a 'perfect ' system. Please contact us for more details if interested.

For orders please telephone us on 0208 520 5353

For details on how to send your items to us safely follow the 'Packing Tips' link below.